Training of officers on Updating Directory of Businesses/Economic Enterprises 2024 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jakarta Barat Municipality

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Training of officers on Updating Directory of Businesses/Economic Enterprises 2024

Training of officers on Updating Directory of Businesses/Economic Enterprises 2024

June 28, 2024 | BPS Activities

Friday (28/06), the series of Training for Updating Economic Business / Enterprise Directory officers which lasted for 4 days has run smoothly and has been completed today (28/06). This training was attended by 62 participants from BPS and Organic BPS Partners of West Jakarta City who were divided into three training classes.

The training began on Friday (21/06) with an online method through a simultaneous zoom meeting for all classes. Then continued with offline training for one day for each class, which was held on Monday (24/06), Tuesday (25/06) and Friday (28/06) at the West Jakarta BPS Hall with Regional Instructors Meilany A. Harilama, Advendos D.C. Sigalingging and Jimmi E.P. Hutasoit.

The Economic Business / Enterprise Directory Updating activity aims to improve the quality of SBR data in providing an up-to-date business / enterprise database for the preparation of the 2026 Economic Survey master framework and business unit statistical data. With this training, it is hoped that it can unite the common perception between officers so that quality data can be produced which will be very useful for economic development and development planning.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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