Supervision of Agricultural Economic Survey (SEP) Training - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jakarta Barat Municipality

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Supervision of Agricultural Economic Survey (SEP) Training

Supervision of Agricultural Economic Survey (SEP) Training

May 30, 2024 | BPS Activities

Thursday (30/05), DKI Jakarta Province BPS conducted simultaneous Agricultural Economic Survey (SEP) Training Supervision for all District/City BPS in the DKI Jakarta Province Region to ensure and convey to field officers several points that must be considered in Agricultural Economic Survey activities ( SEP).

Heryanah, as the SEP training supervisor representing BPS DKI Jakarta Province, accompanied the implementation of the 4th day of SEP training at BPS West Jakarta City.

In the SEP training supervision activities, emphasis is placed on the SEP-UTP (Individual Agricultural Business) Worksheet (LK) to assist with data collection in the field. The LK is not required to be filled in but can be used for probing respondents regarding details of expenditure by commodity and agricultural household consumption expenditure.

Several important points were observed in the SEP training, namely ensuring all officers were able to use the FASIH Mobile application with the SEP Officer Training Survey, ensuring the role playing process (enumeration trial) ran smoothly and officers asked respondents according to the existing line of questions, and points Lastly, ensure that all officers can submit data, and supervisors can check the data entered in the FASIH mobile application.

The 2024 Agricultural Economic Survey (SEP) is part of a series of activities for the 2023 Agricultural Census (ST 2023) which will be carried out throughout Indonesia. SEP is a follow-up survey after the complete ST2023 enumeration was carried out.

The main objective of SEP 2024 is to obtain data on economic aspects of agricultural business units, including income, expenditure, cost structure, as well as indicators of the level of welfare of agricultural business units. Data obtained from SEP 2024 will be important material for formulating development policies in the agricultural sector and providing quality statistical data for data users.
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