Jakarta’s Imports in November hits the highest record during the Pandemic - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jakarta Barat Municipality

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Jakarta’s Imports in November hits the highest record during the Pandemic

Release Date : January 3, 2022
File Size : 3.81 MB


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The rise of public activities and the decline in COVID-19 cases in Jakarta have positively affected the economic recovery of Jakarta. The continous trend of Jakarta’s economic recovery can be seen from the continued increase in public economic activity. The improvement in the domestic economy affected the domestic demand, which was reflected in the improvement of the performance of Jakarta’s imports value in November 2021. In November 2021, the import value of Jakarta stood at US$ 6.4 billion, which broke the record of the highest import value during the pandemic. After declining in imports for two consecutive months, compared to the previous month (monthto- month), the import value of Jakarta grew by 16.5 percent. The increase was driven by the rise in oil and gas and non-oil and gas commodities. Furthermore, compared to the same month in the previous year (year-on-year), Jakarta’s imports jumped by 51.3 percent. This yearon- year import growth was triggered by an increase in all broad economic categories (BEC) classification, with the capital goods as the highest increase (56.7 percent). This rise shows that the economic recovery of Jakarta gradually improved compared to the previous year.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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