Field Supervision of SAKERNAS Household Updating - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jakarta Barat Municipality

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Field Supervision of SAKERNAS Household Updating

Field Supervision of SAKERNAS Household Updating

July 29, 2024 | BPS Activities

On Monday (29/07), several BPS West Jakarta City employees supervised and assisted the August 2024 Sakernas Household Updating. The supervision was carried out in all selected BS samples in the West Jakarta City area.

The August Sakernas Household Updating this time was carried out using the CAPI method, namely the use of the Fasih application. At the updating stage (prior to sample selection for the core questionnaire interview), supervisors and officers coordinated with the local SLS head and immediately continued with door to door updating.

The variables asked in this Household Updating are used for sample drawing where the sample households will be revisited to be interviewed about labor indicators.

Thank you BPS officers for coming, quality data will determine the future of the nation!

Badan Pusat Statistik

BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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