Evaluation of the Development of Sectoral Statistics (PSS) and Beautiful Village Semester I 2024 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jakarta Barat Municipality

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Evaluation of the Development of Sectoral Statistics (PSS) and Beautiful Village Semester I 2024

Evaluation of the Development of Sectoral Statistics (PSS) and Beautiful Village Semester I 2024

July 26, 2024 | Other Activities

Friday (26/07), the Head of BPS West Jakarta City, Muhammad Noval conveyed the progress of the implementation of Sectoral Statistics Development at BPS West Jakarta City during the first semester of 2024 to the meeting participants, namely all employees of BPS West Jakarta City.

On this occasion he emphasized two things, first, as a sectoral statistics coach, West Jakarta BPS must always actively ask for input from stakeholders about the implementation of sectoral statistical coaching and beautiful villages carried out because feedback from them will be used as discussion material for future improvements.

Second, we must document the entire series of PSS trips well so that monev can be optimized.

Badan Pusat Statistik

BPS-Statistics Indonesia

Badan Pusat Statistik Kota Adm Jakarta Barat (BPS-Statistics of Jakarta Barat Municipality)Jl. Raya Kebayoran Lama No. 5A Sukabumi Selatan Kebun Jeruk Jakarta Barat 11550

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