Regular and Halal Bihalal Dharma Wanita Association BPS Meetings - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jakarta Barat Municipality

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Regular and Halal Bihalal Dharma Wanita Association BPS Meetings

Regular and Halal Bihalal Dharma Wanita Association BPS Meetings

May 31, 2024 | Other Activities

Friday (31/05), the BPS Dharma Wanita Association held a regular meeting as well as a halal bihalal which took place in Building 1 BPS RI.

This meeting began with remarks from the Chair of the DWP BPS RI, Nurbaety Setram, and was officially opened by the Secretary of State, Mr. Atqo. The main event, namely the delivery of material, was delivered by Mrs. Karina Hakman B.Comm, M.Buss regarding the theme raised at this routine DWP meeting "Gathering to Improve Personal Quality".

Apart from DWP members from BPS RI, also attending the event were representatives from Regency/City DWP BPS from other provinces throughout Indonesia who joined via the zoom channel.
Representatives from West Jakarta City BPS regularly attend and participate in DWP activities held so far.

On this occasion, Mrs. Nurbaety Setram also said her farewell because her term of leadership as Chair of the DWP will end on June 1 2024. She advised that the BPS DWP will be more unified and continue to be active in the future.
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