SIMFONI : Internalizing BPS Bureaucratic Reform - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jakarta Barat Municipality

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SIMFONI : Internalizing BPS Bureaucratic Reform

SIMFONI : Internalizing BPS Bureaucratic Reform

May 31, 2024 | Other Activities

Friday (31/05) West Jakarta City BPS held a SIMFONI activity with the topic "Internalization of BPS Bureaucratic Reform"
The material presented by the Head of West Jakarta City BPS, Muhammad Noval, included the progress of the BPS RB assessment results, adjustments to BPS RB governance to the RB 3/2023 regulation, as well as areas for changes to the RB.

The RB change area includes 8 pillars, namely Change Management, Policy Deregulation, Organizational Structuring, Administrative Arrangement, HR Apparatus Arrangement, Strengthening Accountability, Strengthening Supervision, and Improving the Quality of Public Services.
It is hoped that with changes to these 8 pillars, RB's target of a clean and accountable bureaucracy, capable and able to provide excellent public services for data consumers can be achieved.

The focus of the current bureaucratic reform approach is: General RB and Thematic RB.

RB General (Upstream) in the form of sharpening actions and output targets at RB General to improve internal management.
Thematic (Downstream) RB, namely handling RB that is more impactful (outcomes oriented). The Thematic RB has been implemented at BPS in the form of:
a. *Poverty Alleviation* (Regsosek and Susenas)
b. *Increased Investment* (Synchronization and harmonization of reference codes between K/L)
c. *Digitalization of Government Administration* (Preparation of a Special Index for Handling Stunting (IKPS) and Preparation of sampling methodology for the Indonesian Health Survey (SKI))
d. *Acceleration of the President's Actual Priorities* (controlling inflation and supporting data collection on Cooperatives and MSMEs)

Complementing the delivery of material related to RB, Muhammad Noval also explained the road map and strategy for improving RB 2024 so that BPS is able to increase the RB index.
Hopefully West Jakarta City BPS will be able to synergize and collaborate together to achieve the goals of Bureaucratic Reform.
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